Join us for a Community Seder in Preparation 
for the 
Festive Holiday of Passover
                                          Friday, April 12, 2019 6pm                                        
The Reform Temple of Putnam Valley (RTPV)
 is hosting a  Community Passover Seder and dinner
for members and non-members
RTPV extends an invitation to all who wish to participate, noting that first time guests are encouraged to join in. 
Services will follow the dinner at the temple . 
The  Community Seder will be led by
Rabbis Laurie Levy and Steven Altarescu
Featuring music by Cantor Annice Benamy
  In addition to being a fun and educational experience, participants will acquire creative resources that they can use at their own seders.
Shabbat services begin at 8:00pm followed by an Oneg Shabbat (dessert reception).  
Please make a reservation: Please call Brenda at 845-284-2437 or email
RTPV wishes all in the community a joyous Passover
 Chag Sameach! 
Suggested Donation:  $10/adult   $5/children 5-12
        First-time guests are complimentary
This event is sponsored by the Sisterhood of the Reform Temple of Putnam Valley